The story of our origins
Wife and husband duo Jemina and Luke met in North Carolina, where they not only fell in love with each other, but also the beauty of the grand landscape, the hundreds of waterfalls, and the never ending possibility of adventure that portrayed itself in the North Carolinian mountains.
Having grown up on two completely different continents, Europe (Jemina) and North America (Luke), they soon realized that even though the cultures in which they were from were vastly different, their fundamental love for the outdoors and the environment had shaped their childhoods and personalities in such a similar way that they felt as if they had known each other for their entire lives.
From that love for eachother and the outdoors came Scandi Collective. A place where the beauty of the world could be celebrated and praised through creating art without compromising the planet and its resources. A place where simple Scandinavian design meets art from photographers all over this beautiful planet we call our home. And a place for creative minds to come together and share their art with the world and like minded people connecting over the love for a truly amazing planet.